The first group of meerkats consist of Chico and Barky, two elderly meerkats. They live in one of the indoor exhibits in the nursery.

Chico (left) and Barky (right)

Chico's new friend, Barky

Barky coming out of a tube

Barky sitting

Barky and Chico sharing sentry duty

Barky and Chico cuddling
Chico (left) and Barky (right)
Chico's new friend, Barky
Barky coming out of a tube
Barky sitting
Barky and Chico sharing sentry duty
Barky and Chico cuddling
The second mob of meerkats at the zoo are new to the zoo and came from the North Carolina Zoo. This mob consists of four (one male and three females) young meerkats. It's easy to recognize the male since he has a shorter tail, but the three females look the same.

Meerkats exploring their new home

Doing sentry duty

They seem to like their exhibit

Meerkat's close up

Chillin' in their exhibit

Female meerkat

Sentry duty on a sunny morning
Meerkats exploring their new home
Doing sentry duty
They seem to like their exhibit
Meerkat's close up
Chillin' in their exhibit
Female meerkat
Sentry duty on a sunny morning
The zoo only has one group of prairie dogs, which consists of eight (one male and seven females) prairie dogs. The group lives in their big exhibit across from the petting zoo in the Children's Zoo.